What is the san antonio Gaelic athletic club?

San Antonio Gaelic Athletic Club (Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Naomh Antaine) was formed in the Spring of 2011. The SAGAC's mission is to celebrate the sport and traditions of the Irish culture and to foster a community that keeps those traditions alive. The Club has grown into a vibrant, diverse family of over fifty members, with players from eleven states and six countries. The club’s nickname, the San Patricios, celebrates and honors the complex, intertwined histories and cultures of Ireland, Texas and Mexico.

Do i need previous experience?

Nope. We welcome players of all experience, that include no experience. If you’ve played soccer, basketball, rugby or lacrosse, you already have plenty of the skills needed.

are there other irish organizations in san antonio?

Glad you asked. There is The Harp & Shamrock Society of Texas, the Irish Cultural Society of San Antonio, Comhaltas and the Inishfree School of Irish Dance. The all offer unique facets of Irish culture, but the SAGAC is the only one that offers Gaelic sports.


Comfortable workout clothes, water, and preferably cleats (Soccer, American football) but running/workout shoes are fine if you’re just trying it out.

What is gaelic football?

Simply put, Gaelic football is an Irish field sport that’s hundreds of years old. It’s played with a round ball, similar to a soccer ball. It has elements of soccer, basketball and rugby.

Are these full contact sports?

While these are physical sports that have incidental contact and “tackling” that consists of shoulder to shoulder hits (in men’s rules), it is not a full contact sport like American football or rugby.

Do I have to be irish to join?

Not at all. We pride ourselves on being a diverse community open to everyone from all backgrounds. We have players from over 11 states and six countries. An important part of our mission is to celebrate Irish culture and the important role it plays in the tapestry of our city.

Are you looking for sponsors?

Yes, we’re always looking to develop relationships with potential sponsors that are looking to support Irish sport and culture. Contact us at sponsorshipofficer@sanantoniogac.org for more info.

What is hurling?

Hurling is an Irish field sport that is thought to be thousands of years old. It’s played with a stick called a hurley and a baseball sized ball called a sliotar. Its rules are similar to Gaelic Football, but helmets are also worn.

Can i try it out before joining?

Definitely. We welcome you out to join three of our practices to get a feel for our club and the sports we play before you join. All participants will be required to be over the age of 18 and sign a participation waiver. Additionally, everyone is welcome to come spectate during any of our practices or games.

Who do you play against?

We play in the Texas League against mens and ladies teams from Dallas, Houston, and Austin. We also frequently travel to tournaments in places like Seattle, Boston, Chicago, and Denver to name a few.

We also host a local Pub League every year.

So there’s plenty of opportunities for play.

Do i have to play to get involved?

Not at all. In fact, we offer membership for non-players that wish to be supporters of the club. There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer, support our activities, fund raise and have a great time besides playing.